
  • Now on Etsy

    Thank you for finding my flagship store! I also just opened a store on Etsy for those who may like it. It highlights some of my favorite pieces, fo...
  • New supply chain with the NYC Diamond District

    I have made friends in NYC's Diamond District. I will now be able to realize extreme savings over Shapeways. Gold jewelry is 70% the cost, sometime...
  • Slava Ukraini Collection

    To support the efforts to rebuild Ukraine, I created the Slava Ukraini collection. Currently I have earrings and a ring in citrine and sapphire, th...
  • New for 2023

    We have some new bracelets for 2023.      Also, the Three-Way capillary pendant is back, with a larger stone. Happy New Year!
  • Snowflake Collection

    I worked hard this year to create a pendant to capture the shape of snowflakes. Based on the work of Dr. Kenneth Lebrecht, I have found a way to re...
  • Introducing the Capillary Collection

    I am really excited to show some of my latest work for 2020. Several years in the making I have created a capillary pattern. It is currently used i...